Aenea v4.0.1 -The freedom awaits

Aenea v4.0.1 -The freedom awaits

I'm glad to present the last version of Aenea Telegram Bot! A lot of things came with this version:

  1. We get rid of ChatGPT integration. On its place we include a sidecar with Ollama running a small orca model which will be used by default as a source for conversational AI. So all input which is not handled by a defined command, wil be redirected to the running AI model. Your own AI!
  2. New code structure, readable and modularized. Not perfect, but a great step!
  3. Directly deployable in Kubernetes using Helm. No more creepy manifests.

Where? As usual, in Github:
How? With Helm. Feel free to install my repo
Desire to know more? Check Artifact Hub