Bread, just bread

Bread, just bread

Yeah it's been almost a year since I started working at home with fermented stuff and yeast. In this year I've done several recipes and learnt several other technical skills, approaching bakery in part as a science, but also as some artisan ability.

And yeah, I'm so happy with it :)

Usually I use a baking stone which has made my electric oven in a true bakery machine (specially for pizzas, the second funniest thing to do with kids in my home), but today I've had the opportunity to buy a cheap dutch oven and I've given a change to this recipe I've looking at for several weeks (the fast one).

In have to admit, I am pretty impressed with the results:

Home made bread loaf
Bread cut to show the crumb

That said, I've prepared the long-one to be ready for tomorrow. I think I've found my favorite way of baking bread.